September 5, 2019 -- Psalm 119:11 -- Studying for love

I have stored up your word in my heart,

that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11 English Standard Version

One of the privileges of being a minister is officiating at weddings. I will often meet with a couple before they get married. This is for pre-marriage counseling. Fascinating to have an intimate glimpse into the lives of couples and see how people treat one another. There is a negative example that stands out: one guy who calculates how to irritate his wife to be. Whenever he cracks open a beer, he leaves the opener and the cap on the counter. He purposely does not put them away because it gives him joy to see his intended bride irritated. Hmm. You don’t need to be a professional marriage counselor to offer advice along the lines of: “For the good of your marriage you had better address that attitude. Stop it! Find ways to bless her and honour her. Study what pleases her and things that give her joy and do those things! You will find the marriage so much richer and delightful!”

The Bible describes believers as the Bride of Christ. Every action on the part of Jesus is designed to lift us from our path of death and inclination to sin. His love towards us always has in view the day when the Church (all the Christians submitted to Jesus Christ) will be dressed in white and join in the marriage feast of the Lamb. In response the Psalmist is studying the Word of God, knowing every detail and tracing out every single thing which might bring honour and blessing to God. The psalmist is living as part of the redeemed community. And the psalmist is preparing for the glorious day when sin will be fully, finally conquered and his every action will bring praise and obeisance to the God of Splendour and there will be fullness of ecstasy in His presence.

Patient God, as we study the Bible and commit it to memory, let Your Spirit move our will and understanding so that we do not focus on the “does” and “don’ts” but commit ourselves to obedience which is the fitting response to Jesus’ great love. As we store up Your word in our hearts let our eyes be fixed on Jesus Christ and in awe-filled reverence to Him let our every act of obedience be acts of worship. Amen.