September 6, 2019 -- Psalm 119:12 -- What do you own that you didn't receive?

Blessed are you, O LORD;

     teach me your statutes!

Psalm 119:12 ESV

There is so much hype and obsession in magazines and all forms of media about whoever currently is part of: the rich, the rockstar, the royals and the revolutionary set. It is all carefully scripted. Planned. Exploited. Money-generating. The schedules of these overly hyped folks are broadcast so crowds will follow them—or seem to mysteriously appear wherever they are. It backfires when a member of the rich or royal, rockstar or revolutionary set wants some privacy. Or a scandal breaks and spin doctors go into damage control. Generating a new message and a new story to appease the insatiable appetites of the worldly. Why mention this at all?

The Psalm is noting the LORD God alone is the sources of blessedness. The Name “LORD” is the Self-revelation our God has given. He was, He Is, He Will Be. He is completely Self-existent. There is no beginning nor will there ever be an end to God. He created all things. He sustains all things. He is of Himself glorious. He is always available. He is never caught out. Never crosses a line. Beyond the media-generated glamour of the latest “it” person—the LORD of Radiance—always is.

The rich will rise and fall. And yet their very breath is a gift from God which no money can ever repay.

The rockstar can’t count on his body—think of Gord Downy with his brain tumour. Talent and life are on loan to them from the LORD.

There is no “accident of birth”. Those deemed to be “royals” are born into such families and privilege at the will of the LORD. They are fully accountable to Him for what they do with their power.

The revolutionary gathers crowds and power, sways nations and in some cases influences generations who follow—but their days are numbered. Only the Eternal God has power that stretches from the beginning of history to its end.

The psalmist is dedicating his life and his allegiance to the LORD, Who is the source of all blessing now matter what takes place in life: sickness, health, riches, poverty, feast or famine, great adulation or obscurity. The greatest contentment life could ever offer is this: God knows each one of us. Whether or not we acknowledge Him, He gives us life, breath, He grants whatever is needful so that we will turn and acknowledge Him Whose power and splendour, rule and glory will never end.

God of Life with the psalmist we note You are the Source of all Blessing and You are, Yourself, blessed. All we have and all we are is a wonderful gift from You. Thank You for the greatest gift of all: new life in Jesus Christ. In view of all we receive from You, with the psalmist we pray: teach us Your statutes. And, Spirit of God, help us to live for God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Amen.