September 4, 2019 -- Psalm 119:10 -- Where is freedom found?

With my whole heart I seek you;

let me not wander from your commandments!

Psalm 119:10 English Standard Version

Rules and statutes, commandments and precepts, Word and law—I am sure there are some reading this who might say something like: “I just want to be free. With the LORD God in charge of one’s life there are so many boundary lines. I am tired of all these restrictions!”

To this person I would reply look at the world. Our culture is bound up in all kinds of laws and taboos, unwritten rules and restrictions. Some laws we understand are for the common good: speed limits, laws against murder and so on. But what about the current taboo against Christians who, based in the word of God, disagrees with the LGBT? agenda? What about people who pray on the sidewalks of abortion clinics and are arrested because those seeking abortions—wanting to kill the baby in the womb—might be offended?! This world has a fixation on climate change. Anyone who speaks up and says “No, God has created the heavens and the earth and He has built in resilience in the systems He created” will be mocked and shouted down. In this world academia has bowed down to evolution so thoroughly that you can be fired for questioning it. I put to you in this world there is no freedom from restrictions, taboos, and laws and rules. The question is this: whose rules will you follow?

The writer of this psalm faced the very same kinds of pressures. In his society there were standards and laws and taboos designed to draw him away from the LORD of Glory. He has dedicated himself to the One Who made him. He is giving his obedience and his life, his joy and his service to God Who alone is worthy of all our praise. This commitment foreshadows the work of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, fully God and fully human, obeyed God the Father as no one ever has. He walked in complete submission to all God’s laws and had perfect peace. He faced down the hosts of hell and the worst temptations of Satan, and withstood all peer pressures. In so doing He demonstrated the greatest blessing and most wondrous adventure and freedom is found in following God.

The choice is basic. Those who follow the world, and therefore follow the prince of this world, Satan, are bound up by laws and rules that are leading them to death and hell. Those who are obedient to the God of heaven are following the rules that lead to fullness of life here on earth and life that unfolds gloriously throughout eternity. No wonder the psalmist prays: “let me not wander from Your commandments!”.

The Bible clearly tells us this creation is wearing out like a garment. The weight of sin and the effects of the curse mean that without You, O God, people will face an eternity in hell. Blessed are You, King of Kings, Lord of Glory for You have revealed the way of life and salvation through Jesus Christ. You are building a house which has Jesus as its foundation. You are blessing men and women to be living stones put together for the honour of Jesus—our Rescuer. You are leading believers by Your Spirit so that we are sealed for the Day of Judgment, marked as Your people. Who is a God like You? Who is faithful and just, merciful and good? There is no one else—no other god and there is no other salvation but what You so lavishly give through Jesus Christ to Your beloved! Amen.