August 5, 2019 -- Luke 24:32 -- Wonder increasing

They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”

Luke 24:32 English Standard Version

The context for these words is the day of Jesus’ resurrection. The news of His resurrection was just starting to filter through the ranks of disciples. Jesus had appeared to the women, but no one else. Then Jesus appeared to two who were walking on the Road to Emmaus. Though the two of them were kept from recognizing Jesus, Jesus explained to them how the Old Testament, every part of it, pointed to Him and His work, life, death and resurrection. The story of Jesus caused the hearts of these men to “burn within them”. They were so excited about what they heard it was like a cleansing fire.

The world is so hungry for stories, movies, and “event” shows. But just as soon as they’re aired, they’re passé. Think how even the names of some past very popular movies can make your eyes roll at the mention of them: Saturday Night Fever, Harry Potter, Avatar, just to name a few. There is, however, one story which never gets old. There is one narrative that explains how all things hold together. The telling of which gives meaning to our present and hope for our future. That is the grand story of Jesus Christ—in Him we live and move and have our being. His is the story of wonder, His is the power and the glory.

Today I am thankful for all those men and women in my life who told me the story of Jesus. Sure, there were preachers who spoke with such awe and power that Jesus’ Name was lifted up as glorious. But God used ordinary men and women for great influence. My parents read the Bible to our gathered family each evening at supper time. There is one catechism teacher who, himself, though he was not dynamic, even so when he spoke of the work of Jesus, my heart burned within me. I am thankful for Sunday School teachers with their flannelgraph figures who were patiently teaching this rambunctious kid the Good News.

There really are only two options. The foolish world would teach this. Nothing coalesced. Nothing exploded and suddenly became something. Logic is in the sewer with that—nothing is both nothing and something at the same time as nothing creates something. Then that lifeless nothing become something somehow by chance organized itself into stars and planets and solar systems and from lifelessness suddenly, inexplicably life arose. And against all logic and defying all sense, single celled scums gained information at the level of DNA until pond scum evolved and constantly, from nowhere and without divine help, inexplicably increased in DNA information until it became people.

The option I embrace with awe: the God of Wonder Who exists outside of creation and time created the heavens and the earth. He created it perfect. Adam, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God and this good creation fell into bondage to sin. The curse of God is lifted by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the undoing of bondage to sin has begun. My heart burns within me to share it—when Jesus returns then sin will be no more. There will be new heavens and a new earth. The possibility of sin and evil will be completely ended and God will be all in all and our capacity to delight in Him will be so vastly increased that He will be all our joy. How my heart yearns within me!

O God, You are the God of All Hope and All Peace in believing. Let Your Spirit continue to burn away the lies and false stories we’ve been told until the brilliance of Jesus Christ and His radiance is all I see. Fill our vision, O God of Terrible Splendour, until all else is revealed as tawdry and passé. You, Father, Son and Spirit, are the One True God, in service to Whom is all life and freedom, wonder and joy. Amen.