August 4, 2019 -- Psalm 78:3-4 -- Awe and Wonder at the Splendour of God

things that we have heard and known,
that our fathers have told us.
4 We will not hide them from their children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.

Psalm 78:3-4 English Standard Version

That word “wonder” is used 79 times in the Bible. It is used fifteen times in the Psalms and four of those fifteen times right here in Psalm 78. When we are communicating our faith in Jesus Christ to the next generation, will they catch a sense of His glory because we speak with awe? Does the power of God spark surprise and admiration in your heart?

Yesterday I was reading an article on the germination of pine seeds. The article was scientific and technical so that I could only catch about 50% of what I was reading. What captured my imagination is that the seeds of this particular variety of pine tree need the heat of fire to open the cones so that the seeds are released. Then, when the seeds are scattered, they can lay dormant for years, centuries even! They will only germinate when the conditions are right. Some seeds get buried very deep and when a fire sweeps through the forest and burns up the debris of the forest floor and burns away layers of mature trees and shrubs and smaller plants, then the seed will germinate. It stirred such a sense of astonishment in me—the LORD of Heaven and Earth created seeds to “know” the right time to germinate.

Jesus used the parable of scattered seed to represent the Kingdom of God. The Word of God is scattered far and wide: as parents tell the story of Jesus, as Sunday School teachers proclaim Good News, as friends speak of Jesus over coffee. The seeds of the Kingdom are generously poured out and at the right moment, when the conditions are appropriate, the Spirit of God will cause that seed to germinate and bring to life the knowledge of the glory of God in the heart of a new believer.

The heavens declare the glory of God.

Even seeds are tiny witnesses to His majestic foresight and planning.

The man whose heart is filled with wonder declares the majesty of God to his children.

The woman whose soul knows Jesus speaks His goodness to the next generation.

What has surprised your heart and filled your imagination with awe as you think of God?

Tell someone.

Do not be discouraged if that person doesn’t respond immediately. Trust God to know when conditions are right for the seed of the Gospel to break out and germinate.

Your way, O God, is holy! What god is GREAT like our God?!

We will not hide Your deeds from our children. We will not deny this generation the opportunity to marvel at the power of Your salvation. We will declare the greatness of Your love. Our mouths will speak of Your renown. You give Your attention to the tiniest details needed for the seed of the Word to germinate. Let us scatter the Good News of the Kingdom far and wide, bearing the seeds of the knowledge of Your glory to the ends of earth. Bring honour to Your Name, O God. Let Your might and dominion, Your splendour and Your immense majesty spark holy awe in our hearts and imaginations bringing us as captives to Your throne of mercy until that great day when we see You face to face. Amen.