September 20, 2019 -- Psalm 119:21 -- Is God the God of Mercy?

You rebuke the insolent, accursed ones

who wander from your commandments.

Psalm 119:21 English Standard Version

Some hard-hearted people read these words and go: “See, here it is—God is just an angry deity.” Having made that statement they then proceed to act as if by such words they are not bound to act in response to His commandments. But let’s take a moment and unpack this verse.

In the context of this psalm, the insolent and accursed ones are part of the people of Israel. These are the members of the Twelve Tribes, who have seen the mercy of God, experienced His rescue from Egypt, are under covenant promises, have their land protected by the High King of Heaven—despite all these blessings and so many more such people are insolent against their LORD to Whom they owe all their allegiance. To be insolent is to be rude, arrogant, lacking grace or respect.

Consider the mercy of God, as we read it in Isaiah

I spread out my hands all the day
to a rebellious people,
who walk in a way that is not good,
following their own devices; (Isaiah 65:2 ESV).

In His great patient love, God the Mighty and the Merciful has His hands opened wide to receive a people who are continually rejecting them. As long as His hands are open, there is time to repent, there is time to know He truly loves us. However, there will be a day of judgment, a time when the hands spread wide in mercy will clasp together. Jesus, the Saviour of all the Earth and the Just Judge will hold court and those who lived and died in rebellion against God will then face the curse of hell.

Our verse today serves as an invitation and as a warning. God, Who made the heavens and the earth and so knows what is needful for a life of blessing on this planet, is calling us, any who hears these words today, to turn to Him in repentance. Leave your sins. Stop being insolent. Find a Christian whose walk with God you respect and ask him about the way of joyful submission to the LORD.

Who is a god like You, God of Wonderful Mercy?! Help us to see that Your hands are stretched out prepared to receive prodigal sons and daughters. Help us to realize Jesus’ hands were stretched out at the cross where He took our place receiving the punishment which should have fallen on us. Help us to realize the powerful presence of the Spirit Who defeats our flesh’s continual prodigal longings and strengthens us to live for You, our Father the King. We have friends and family members, dear to us, who are still walking as those who are accursed and insolent—break down the stubborn barriers that keep them from running into Your out-stretched arms. Let them know, as we do, the joy of Your salvation and the bountiful way in which Your deal with Your servants—who are renamed sons and daughters of the Most High. Amen. In Jesus’ Name we pray all this. Amen.