August 31, 2019 -- Psalm 119:7 -- What are you praising?

I will praise you with an upright heart,

when I learn all your righteous rules.

Psalm 119:7 English Standard Version

This seems like such a foreign concept to us—praise. The fact of the matter is this we are always expressing praise. Our lips and hearts speak praise about whatever we think is worthy. If it is your car that your life centres around, you will constantly speak of its acceleration, the leather interior, the great value of it. If your life centres around your grandkids, you will show anyone and everyone pictures and tell them the latest exploits. If it is the LORD your God Who has captured your heart and imagination, you will not be able to stop speaking of Him, honouring Him, telling others of His great works.

His righteous rules will make more sense to you as the only way to live in a world that is crushed by the weight of its own death-producing evil.

Our culture celebrates abortion—the murder of babies in their mother’s womb. Yet the righteous rules of God celebrate life because we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Suddenly life, even the life of an infant is of inestimable worth.

Our culture celebrates and promotes euthanasia—giving poison to the people deemed worthy of death, saying “those who should may do so and “die with dignity”. The righteous rules of God tell us every stage of life, and every trial of our lives, fit us for eternity. No part of day or night is free from sacredness. People are not inconvenient. People are not disposable. The righteous rules of God tell us we are precious—worthy of prayer, help, investment, time, and attention.

Christians speak praise to God and tell others of His righteous rules not because we want to beat others up with the Bible. No! We have become aware of that God speaks life over us. He rejoices over us with singing. He has prepared for us the way of living which conquers death and unites us with the resurrection power of Jesus. We see the world in a whole new way. We live with profound peace in the world, though the heavens and the earth are passing away and in the throes of death, as Christians we know and are assured we are being prepared for eternity in the presence of Him Who loves us. We know life has taken hold of us—life that begins now and will stretch through the glory and blessing and wonder of eternity celebrated under the just and loving reign of Him Who is the source of every blessedness. Therefore we know the righteous rules of God are the pathway of life, the place of joy-filled obedience and the celebration of our sure hope.

With the saints and angels, the living creatures and the elders in heaven, we pray to You, knowing You are worthy of all honour and blessing.

Praise God, all you His servants, great and small.

Praise God, all you who know Him and walk in His righteous rules.

Praise God, for He reigns and His mighty splendour and glorious acts will soon be revealed to all.

Let our lives bring You praise, Great and True LORD of All. Amen.