August 26, 2019 -- Psalm 119:4 -- The Concert of Life

You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently.

Psalm 119:4 English Standard Version

Precepts are the rules and laws which God has appointed to be done. The first three verses of this Psalm started with general statements—there is blessedness which accrues to those whose way is blameless. Now there is a significant shift in the pronouns—the writer is addressing the LORD of heaven and earth directly. In a sense he is praying back to the King of the Universe a prayer affirming how right and true are the commands of the LORD.

The LORD has commanded us to follow what He has appointed as right and to run from what He has told us is wrong. We live in a world where it seems what is wrong is celebrated as right and what is right is mocked. It is odd that such immoral thinking does not spill over into other areas of life. For example, no architect will build a skyscraper without a huge foundation. No conductor will allow his orchestra to play any notes, at any pace at any time they choose when the program specifically states the order, say something like: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 in C Major Opus 21.

My family heritage is Dutch. They are famous for all kinds of sayings. There is a very silly saying that was commonly posted in homes of family members: “In the concert of life no one gets a program.” My response: that is a pure porcelain crockery! All of us received the program—it was given us by the Creator and Conductor of the Universe—it is called the Bible. So many choose to throw out the program and the notes of instruction found there…and then are surprised at how discordant are their lives.

Not so this psalmist—for 176 verses he extols the wonderful order of the program our Concert Master has set into motion. The stars and galaxies, quarks and protons, creatures and angels follow all His directions. Those who know and love God the Source of All blessedness delight to follow His baton and allow His instruction to set the pace and movement of their lives. Ah what joy is ours.

God of revelation and majesty thank You for the commands You have given to us, Your people. Thank You for the peace and harmony which result from a life lived in obedience to You. Forgive us the rebelliousness of our discordant notes and willful stepping out of meter of the music to which You have set our lives. Restore to us ears that hear and hearts that sing in praise to You. Amen.