August 20, 2019 -- Ephesians 4:1-2 -- Worthy Faith Walkers

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love…

Ephesians 4:1-2 English Standard Version

No doubt we can all name the exceptions to this command of Paul. “You don’t know my particular circumstances, Paul, or you’d have written in the Bible—except for that day in August 2019 when you, Richard, will endure such frustration that letting off a little steam won’t matter at all.” Even as I write this I can’t keep from smiling and realizing how lame that sounds.

First off, Paul is writing as a prisoner whose sentence is unjust. A governor and a king (Acts 26:30-32) both declared Paul had done nothing worthy of death or imprisonment. Though his accusers did not relent of their false accusations, Paul had been declared innocent. The only reason his imprisonment continued was because he’d appealed to Caesar for justice against his accusers. Yet, Paul was modeling what he was commanding, to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which he’d been called and he showed great humility and patience and continued to declare the love of God to any and all who would listen to him. He wrote to churches, from his prison cell, hoping to encourage the saints in holy service.

Secondly and infinitely more importantly, Jesus is the example. Jesus is the Victor over sin and death. He went before the courts and never once lost His temper. He was more innocent than Paul ever could be—for Jesus had never in His life sinned. And when He was falsely accused He could have said “I don’t need to submit to this!” So why did He?

Jesus was our representative. He served as the new Adam. Where Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden and chased temptations bringing all of humanity under the curse of sin Jesus, in a sin-sickened world, remained steadfastly loyal to God. Therefore He is the Only One Who can stand in our place and bear the punishment of God against our sins. Jesus is the second, greater Adam, in Whose Name the curse of sin and its punishment are lifted for all who believe in Him.

No one—not one single person ever has endured what Jesus endured. No one ever has had as great an excuse to be arrogant or rude. Yet He, the innocent man, withstood all the assaults of evil men and false accusations and a broken court system.

So great is His salvation that to the wronged and to the wrong-doer, He extends the way to peace and reconciliation. No wonder the people of God have declared through the ages “Hallelujah! What a Savior!”

Weak and weary sinner, raise your head and look to Jesus. Find in Him the refreshment that soothes your fevered head and restores Your soul. Find in Jesus the way of salvation, full and free which turns this world upside down.

Source of the wells of the salvation, we ask You: cleanse us from the inside out. Wash away the sin and festering wrong-doing that brings rot to our bones. Jesus, Who has taken away the sin of the world, remove our sins far from us and give us the new life promised in the Bible. Thank You that no sin is so great it is beyond Your healing, thank You that no sin is so small You ignore it leaving us impaled by it, helpless and conscience-smitten. Lead us, captives to Your mercy, in triumphal procession on the ways of life and healing so that the world around us is blessed by the blessings You pour into our lives. Amen.