August 15, 2019 -- Proverbs 21:12-13 -- He Who Hears Prayer

The Righteous One observes the house of the wicked;

he throws the wicked down to ruin.

Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor

will himself cry out and not be answered.

Proverbs 21:12-13 English Standard Version

This morning I joined with my friends in the chapel service and we cried out to the LORD, The Righteous One. For the last number of weeks it is a joy to preach Thursday morning chapels at Harvest House Atlantic here in Moncton. A number of the folks who attend the chapel are in treatment for addictions. There are a number of rules that must be kept so that HHA the rehab area is safe for all who are seeking relief in Jesus. Well, 5 men, all at once, broke the rules. They knew the consequences. The conditions for living in the House are all spelled out in advance. They are regularly repeated. So this morning the chapel was tough as it was obvious there were empty seats representing those who are out. The remaining men of the house and others who attended the chapel felt the weight of grief. What on earth could I say? What comfort could I possibly bring? Let’s be honest, I have nothing in my toolkit and nothing of myself which would be of any use. The only hope is that which is found in Jesus.

I have been preaching on prayer—leading the men and women on this bible study since so many of them are very new Christians—it is important for them to know how to take up a conversation with the Living God and know He hears and answers. This morning there was such a longing for the God of Mercy to answer the prayers of His people and bring what only He can deliver: peace and comfort.

One of the texts that is part of this preaching series is this one, Proverbs 21:13. God hears. God knows the cries of the poor and the afflicted. In fact, God raises up men and women in Christ who have the resources to help, spiritually, financially, emotionally, and so on according to the gifts He gives us by His Spirit. And if these who are rich in the LORD close their ears to the cry of the poor, they too will cry out and they will not be heard.

At this service one of the men testified how God has set Him free—God heard his cries for help.

I realized what an indictment this verse is against many of our middle class and rich Canadian Christians and their churches, and I include myself, how often we have heard someone cry out and perhaps had thoughts like: “Well, Salvation Army can help” or “She got herself into that mess, let her get herself out.” Forgetting how often we have been the recipients of amazing grace at the hands of other believers sent to us in Jesus’ Name.

This verse is a tremendous comfort for all gathered this morning. They were reassured as we cried out to God, as we prayed together, He was definitely hearing us. He was bringing to bear all the resources of heaven. And, those gathered at chapel this morning acknowledged this—whether or not they have any money—they have the capacity for kindness towards others who are feeling broken. They have the ability to pray with or to pray for those who are in need. That is, in fact, the most powerful weapon of all.

Today, Righteous God—Who sees the rich and poor, the well-fed and needy, the proud and the humbled—we are asking for these five men who are bearing the consequences of their actions. Bring them to the place of true repentance and healing in Jesus Christ. Today, Merciful God, we freely admit we are one step, one sin, one temptation away from joining those who were expelled and we have no strength except that which You bring in Jesus’ Name. Faithful Father, pour out Your Spirit so that each of praying before You now will be given the strength we need to believe on Jesus and to act in keeping with this confession of His Name. In the strength of the Spirit let sin be hateful to us and compassion for stumbling brothers and sisters mark our thoughts and responses to their cries. Make us aware of this great fact: when we were lost in our sins and crying out in the poverty of our dereliction—You heard us, You answered us, You provided the Rock of Refuge we needed in Jesus. As we remember what we were and who we now are in Christ, let us be an army on our knees pleading for others and prepared to use up whatever resources You give us in order to bring many sons and daughters to glory. Amen.