August 12, 2019 - - Psalm 14:6 -- Delivered from Shame

You would shame the plans of the poor,

but the LORD is his refuge.

Psalm 14:6 English Standard Version

Shame. The mere mention of the word makes many shiver with fear—what if people knew… (and you fill in the fears and insecurities that bring the spectre of shame’s appearance which would haunt you). According to Psalm 14 it is the evil doer who would raise the possibility of shame. It is the evil doer who seeks to gain power over the anointed and beloved of the LORD.

Shame would drive us into hiding. The more we hide it the greater its power is over us. How is the LORD the refuge in a world that uses shame to sell beauty products (you don’t want people to see how old you really are) and cars (you don’t want your car to be less than what that person is driving) and pet food (are you really going to feed your beloved family member that inferior pet food?! Do you even love your faithful companion?!).

Shame over our failings and sins is even deeper. It makes living in true community nearly impossible. If others knew me as I know myself, who would love me?

How could the LORD possibly be the refuge of the poor?

The LORD our God knows our shame. He knows our public self and He knows and sees what we do in secret. Nothing is hidden from His gaze. He has seen it all. He knows the conversations your brain has with your guilt-riddled heart.

The LORD our God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to take on Himself the punishment for all our sins—those sins all people know about and the hidden things we hope no one knows about. Be assured of this: we can’t be blackmailed by the devil because the LORD already knows the worst about us and He has provided the way of salvation.

The LORD our God sent His Spirit to put us into true community—we live side by side with other men and women who are just as needy as we are and who themselves have a refuge in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. All of should be able to name the moment our sin and shame were washed away—it was the moment Jesus cried out on the cross “It is finished!” (John 19:30). Those words alerted the hosts of hell and their evil-doing leader the Father of Lies that he has been completely disarmed. All our sins, every wrong-doing that deserved punishment are now stamped by God: paid in full.

Those who are loved by God and covered by the blood of Jesus Christ are not subject to the devil’s smear campaigns—”You?! A Christian—don’t make we laugh” he hisses “I know what you did!” In response the Christian boldly replies: “Devil—you don’t know the half of it, and Jesus paid it all!”

For these reasons God is the refuge of the poor. He has claimed us. He calls us beloved. He calls us saints in Christ and for the sake of His accomplished work. He gives us His Spirit to live in the heart and conscience of the believer, the Spirit Who speaks to our weary souls: “Abba, Father” in reference to God at the darkest moments when we need this the most. The Spirit binds us together, as those who know the depths of our sins and the deeper grace and forgiveness of God and proclaim His great love and grace.

Who is like You, O God of Glory?! You delight to show mercy and forgive the sins of Your people. You have given us the Mediator, Jesus Christ, in Whom we have a Defender and Prayer-Warrior. Who shows such tenderness like You do?! You give us the Spirit against the moments the enemy would seek to trample us down in dust, the Spirit lifts our eyes to heaven so that we can see the Father of prodigal sons and daughters running to embrace us and shelter us in His radiant love. Father in heaven, Giver of Every Good Gift, teach us every day again, to live in real, deep community with one another. Banish shame. Fill us with the joy of thanksgiving filled obedience to all You command. Amen