July 27, 2019 - - II Peter 5:17-18 - - Expecting to Grow in Grace

You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

II Peter 3:17-18 ESV

There are a few good Christian friends I used to hang around with—it is the past tense because Carolyn and I recently moved from Ontario to Moncton, NB—and when we’d get together often this question would be asked: “What is God teaching you?” It is so easy to talk about politics, weather, fav sports team, most recent failings of our spouse or children, recipes and so on. Such conversations, while not bad in and of themselves should not be all that believers talk about. It is easy to get entangled in the things of the world and lose your sense of stability.

As Christians there is a dominant narrative over-arching our life—we are made to be children of the Living God by the grace of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we expect one another to grow in grace and we call each other to give a joy-filled account of all that God is teaching us. And if “joy-filled” is too much to expect, an honest account of what God is teaching us.

Perhaps He is using our suffering to recalibrate our ego and keep us from thinking too much of ourselves and re-teach us how to depend on Him.

It might be He is using financial stresses to teach us to ask for help—that is a humbling experience. When we have learned how it feels to reach out for help, in turn, when God places us in a position to be helpful to others, we learn to do so with much greater compassion.

We are new to Moncton and finding out how many people already have established social circles. While I am quite a social person, Carolyn is very content to be at home. I am finding out how to use this extra time I would have used for social activities to ask God—with whom should I be meeting and connecting? Before I fill up my calendar with new people and new events, maybe there is someone who is lonely, or needs a friend so that we can mutually build one another up in our precious faith.

Of course, church is an excellent place to learn. There is so much God places on the heart of His faithful preachers and teachers. Tomorrow is Sunday. Plan on going to church and expect to grow in grace and knowledge. If you haven’t attended church in a long time (or ever) get  your programme of spiritual fitness going. Phone a friend and ask to go to church with him or her. Your Christian friend will be honoured you asked and delighted to join you!

I challenge you today, or this week, surprise your Christian friend and ask: “What is God teaching you? I am convinced the answer will be a blessing to you both.

Teach me, O God, Your way of truth. By the powerful presence of Your Spirit help me to understand the Bible, learn about You through faithful preachers, and be sharpened by Christian friends. Let me be taught more about Jesus—Who He is, Why He is to be revered—so that with heart and hands, life and obedience I may serve Him instead of serving the tyrannical lusts of my flesh and the fading, slavery-making pleasures of the world. Heaven and earth will soon pass away, but You have promised, those who trust in You, Jesus, have a Father in heaven Who guards them and blesses them now and for all eternity. Thank You that Your are not some far deity, cold and indifferent, but You are the Father of the fatherless, All-Merciful to the sin-sickened, Guardian of the forgotten, and near as a prayer. Amen.